Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Just Another Manic Monday....

So after that redic weekend. I didn't have any energy to plan the weekly lessons for my classes. "Eh...I'll wing it" I thought. Then at 8:45 I notice the kids aren't at their normal assembly and the teachers are all bustling around the room. So I ask what's going on? And THEN I get told that its some big holiday today and there are no classes, only (and this is a direct quotation) "A history catwalk where we watch." So whatever that means, at least I don't have to teach!!
It ends up that all the students/teachers go to the auditorium and the Pratom 5&6 kids dress up and do these routines and skits. No idea what it was all about still. But everyone was going crazy! There was a aerobic-dance show to start the morning off. Then a bunch of kids came up and had the awkward experience of presenting their memorized speaches. Then there was sort of a fashion show of boys in makeup with some mermaids and a tiger. Then the kids all watched a DVD and sang-along with it.
Then at lunch I ask if we are teaching in the afternoon, and literally another direct quote. "Ummmmm no maybe yes we will march through village to protest ducks. You march with me"
So, i'm just waiting to see what THAT is going to reveal. I TOTALLY agree with Heather's observation about just going along with things and not asking questions to maintain your sanity! If I keep getting answers like these ones - I dunno how long I will last!
OH! And I'm very excited because I just booked my flight to Koh Samui for my Super-Fabulous-Tropical-Beach-Paradise 22nd birthday party! In the spirit of Julia's birthday in Paris, I'm hosting a party in Thailand - come if you're in the neighborhood: July 6th! I've already got 3 confirmed guests from Vancouver, 2 from Vancouver via Taipei, and 2 from Samut Songrkram (lol other GAP volunteers)