Sunday, July 09, 2006
Birthday Part 2: Koh Samui

I've had a crazy last 3 days meeting up with basically everyone I know in Asia right now! Came down from Wiang Sa in a van with 12 other "friends" of our homestay family. I got a really nice 1ft. cube to make myself cozy in for the 12 hour drive. Had an interesting birthday breakfast at 5am with some of their friends in Bangkok - fish head soup. Then went to the airport to meet Jon and Jen who just arrived from Taipei. So fun to catch up with them and share teaching (horror) stories. Then we took the beautiful ferry across the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Thailand and ended up at Koh Samui where Chritine, Megan and Heather met me at our little bungalow resort. We talked for about 5 straight hours and headed out to check out what Chewang beach is all about. Ended up having swordfish and sangria, then to HAGEN DAAZ for some pleasure baskets of chocolate ice cream and fresh fruit. mmmm heaven. Chilled on the beach at the bars that have lounge chairs on the sand and drank interesting cocktails called "osgrams" hmm?

Met up with Maeve and Ece too and enjoyed a few days where all we worried about was where to eat and how much sun we should get. Last night we found out where basically all the white people in Thailand are: At the Green Mango. Sorta a street of 5-6 bars that just pour onto the street and you can hear at least 3 different songs at one time. Watched a bit of the Por-Ger game and had some late-night McD's to top off a perfect birthday week.
Today its off to Koh Pha Ngan to try to find some accomodation for the full moon parth week. It shouldn't be too hard, but we're just wondering if we really want to stay on teh beach where the techno music starts at 10am.....Heather says yes.