Thursday, September 07, 2006
What/Where/Who/How Laura?!?!

Alright, time I explain a few things here I think...
Today is my last day of teaching at Sriwiangsawittayakarn and my last day living in Wiang Sa. Apparently we're celebrating with the Ovaltine truck coming to school and giving us free Ovaltine CRUNCH all day and playing bad thai pop music and carnival games. Anyways I digress....
Tommorow i'm catching a bus to Huay Xai, just accross the Mekong river in Laos. From there I'm planning to take the 2 day boat to Luang Prabang, see the waterfalls and bakeries there. Then go to Vang Viang to partake in the (in)famous river tubing/rope swinging/dock bar experience. Then kyaking to Vietnanne to go to more bakeries. (I got my travel plans from Megan and Heather...can you tell?) From there its an overnight train to Bangkok where I get to thai up some more loose ends until I fly out to India the night of September 17th
I'm meeting Justice at the Dehli airport and hopefully we'll get out alive to celebrate her birthday that night. (For future reference Justice = Justina and Lifa = Laura ...might get confusing) and the next three months will be filled with adventures in and around India, Nepal with possible detours to Tibet and Bhutan. Might be meeting up with Caitlin (from my Cape Town days) too in there.
I'll be blogging as much as possible - and hope to hear from you all!
See ya at Christmas