Thursday, October 12, 2006
3 Weeks in Pics....
Alright, you lucky kids. Here's the deal. I'm in Katmandu preping for our huge Annapurna trek that starts in something like 15 hours...and found the best internet place that has decent comps and will upload my pics. So you're getting a double dose of blog entries (just to last you the next 3 weeks) Here are some random funny pics from the last few weeks in India/Nepal.
Justina looking for Buddha-esq enlightenment in Bodgaya
A good place to eat and feel good about yourself in Bodgaya
One of our bazillion train rides on good ol' Indian Rail.
Along the Ganges river in Varanassi, I look super awkward since my feet are IN the Ganges and I don't know if i'll ever walk again....

Our favourite part of Katmandu is Tuk shopping.... 2000+ at your basic street stall

More of the scene in Varnassi, the holiest of Hindu cities.
A festival in Agra, on our way to the Train stn. I bought the hat/whistle combo, but didn't have enough rupees for a baby...
Rickshaws, Brangelina aren't the only ones.....
Really excited to be Pony Trekking in Darjeeling.

Size matters in Bodgaya